Commander's Quickshot Training Part 1:Takao

12593 Views • Oct 17, 2023





Hello everyone! First thank you for watching and I hope you enjoyed this small video. Second I want to apologize to those who might have been waiting for me to upload again. I don't want to make excuses but I will still explain my circumstances. My crazy father finally lost his last marbles and kicked me and my mother on the streets. The last months were spent moving away, dealing with the nasty divorce and celebrating one of my sisters weeding. I also needed to look for a new job since we moved preety far away and take care of my mother since she went through a serious case of deporession and other health problems that caught up to her. My work in progress videos werealso on my laptop which he shatered on the pavement when we left. So long story short, I started from scracth in life and did not have time for this. Now I resolved most of my problems and want to truly start making content for all of you cuties who want a good fap~
So like a said in the video, stay safe until next time my cuties! CutieCat, out!



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